Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Spiritual Warrior

What does it take to sit with something? To feel a sensation that has always sent you running for the hills, that I have always resisted? Something that has me feel I MUST sleep so it stops. Or a feeling of ‘rising panic’ that leads to seemingly compulsive and automatic and unstoppable thinking of “Oh my God I have to stop this what’s going to happen I can’t handle it I’m out of control I might die my body might be in danger”. This increases the feelings and so on.

What does it take to sit with such a feeling, and do nothing? When I want to collapse into crying and tears and frustration and just shake and sob and tantrum because it’s all too much and it’s not fair and it’s gone on for so long and there’s no end in sight…AH HA! These are not feelings. This is the mind collapsed with feeling. These are the thoughts that intertwine the body so as to seem one in the same. Yet they are distinct.

So what does it take to feel such a feeling? To let the mind go, or to not pay attention to it. The mind that’s trying to ‘save’ you.

Practically it may help to say “I’m not going to fix this, I’ll be OK, it’s not real. It’s OK mind, I’m here, and everything is OK, you can take a rest. It’s OK body, I’m here. And you’re OK. We can feel this. We can explore this. We can find out what
THIS experience is, fully. I wonder what’s next?”This courage, this willingness to be with the feelings, without changing anything, is the heart of the spiritual warrior. The core. This drive to feel everything, without pharmaceuticals, to allow the body to naturally deal without whatever comes, and ultimately to trust in a higher, bigger process outside ourselves, is the badge that signifies our membership to a special club.

And then something seems to open up. Being willing to risk and face my worst fears – insanity, panic attacks, an endless anxiety loop, and, I suspect, death – has provided a new level of freedom. In the short term, after 4 days of little sleep, it has allowed me to sleep peacefully for a full 8 hours! It’s allowed me to glimpse an expanded view of myself – greater than the frantic mind, the screaming feelings, and the writhing sprinting body. Going fully into my feelings without trying to change them, and seeing that I’m still alive leaves me much more willing to allow the mind to rest. Before, I unconsciously believed my mind had to be running non stop to find a way out – to save my life. After years of realizing that didn’t work, and seeing NO OTHER WAY OUT – I finally tried not fixing it, and not using the mind to ‘save’ me. Having seen that this method actually – again, after a long four days – worked, I seem much more willing to let the mind rest and feel. It’s OK. It’s just intense sensation. “Oh but it might not end and you might be awake all night and you might be crying and you might feel devastatingly lonely and there might be noone awake for miles around and it might start an anxiety loop that you never come out of – and fuck it, I was so close to sleeping if I could just let go of this I could drift and have another 4 hours sleep I’m so close just focus just focus it’s not fucking fair I don’t even know where this is coming from there’s NO REASON FOR ME TO BE AFRAID why is this happening to me just calm down it doesn’t matter you’re OK really it will be alright God this is sad I’ve had this for 20 years it will be forever” (Heart is pounding faster, neck and shoulders tighten further, tingling shoots up the arms). This is the opportunity to ‘deeply feel the moment’. To notice the mind resisting like crazy, and to feel the sensations – without labeling them (after all the labels come from the mind, so calling something fear or anger or intense just invites the mind to comment further on it and the Loop continues) – and see what arises. “Oh but how long do I have to do this? I’ve done it for 20 minutes now and it hasn’t stopped – will it ever end? This really sucks”. Come back to the feelings, the body, what’s actually happening.

So, it not just takes the heart of a spiritual warrior; it takes faith. It takes faith that this process is BETTER for you than the mind constantly thinking a way out. And this is hard as a motherfucker after 40 years of the mind running everything.I don’t see why someone would bother trying this scary uncomfortable path – to break the deeply embedded habit – unless they were facing deep pain. When you’ve really had enough of the pain, everything you’ve tried hasn’t worked, and you can’t see any other way out – then in desperation you may turn inwards, into the feelings. I didn’t trust the process – but I tried the process, seeing no other option.

And now I See. With tears streaming down my face and my body sobbing (while fully aware and noticing the beautiful release), I Know that this…..is surrender. This addresses the very core of my operating system and how I have lived until now. I have tried to control everything, for when I wasn’t in control, some very, very bad things happened. So I will handle it. I will do everything. I will take care of everything – and better than you can. Get out of my way I need to take care of myself.

To allow myself to feel, without fixing or changing – to go beyond the mind is truly to surrender and open myself up to the vulnerable to the universe. I am no longer in control.

I was backed into a corner, snarling and gouging, and then rolled over on my back with my arms and legs spread and my belly to the world.

This is my gateway. This feeling of that which I don’t want to feel, this not knowing how to change or fix it or what might happen…..this surrender to what is…..is a gateway to a whole new pair of eyes, a whole new way of being – a fresh vibrancy and peace and depth of …..something.


Anonymous said...

David, I am fucking humbled by your words, as I am going on to my thousandth 36 hour spewing of innards.

I am on my way to Homewood in Guelph, Ontario in about two weeks time to enter an 8 week program for Post-Trauma-Stress Recovery.

Much of what you talk about is and has been the cream of my panic crop for over 25 years, where the warrior got lost amongst a field of corn, and the corn's ears, trying to take in all the sounds of the environment around...avoiding, distracting me from allowing one-ness with self.

So I take leave, with the distractions I heavily gorge on....

You are not alone, David. I have been sobbing and "releasing" in intervals of 36 hours back-to-back for over 25 years.....the kind that felt as if breaking my spine while bringing me to my knees, where I spew out incredibly generous dishes of silent and piercing screams...friend or no friend.

You are a true blessing to MY world. I have been reading about you and your courses and without you ever knowing have made brilliant strides in moving myself out of depression and sadness into my light and joys, becoming who I AM.

I'm fucking hating though, the whole point of my path taking me on a trip to Guelph Ontario where I feel I NEED TO BE CORNERED because my mind talk is brilliant in a capacity I think I do not really understand yet. I admire that I will be cornering myself into what you have just done on your own free will. I am filled with joys neighbouring bitterness of the events causing me to fall into a mindset such as the one i cap on. Now needing to SPEW deep deep pains around THAT...let alone the events that got me thinking this way.

Meet you in the bush, with our hackets ... where we can vigourously chop off the ears of the corn and eat the damn thing AS IS....taste the sweetness of life with one courageous bite of juicy goodness!

All In Love,

Anonymous said...

Hi David. I have been to the same space of life that you are in and have looked at the bottle to help me have an eternal sleep many a time. I have felt it would be best for my family if I was not here. don't get me wrong they love me and would miss me but life would go on in a different way. I had at one time a warrior in me. proud, strong full of life but those days seem to have dissapeared. I lacked motivation a sense of achieving anything and no recognition for anything. I could walk for miles and wanted the walk to take me to some restful place that I could start my eternal sleep.
It was not until I spoke to a good friend and had counselling that things changed. I realised other people were in the same zone as me and we talked we met for a coffee we walked but we found comfort and support from those sharing the same feelings. I realised I was still alive and was offering help to those that needed it. I studied to become a life Coach and completed the training but didnt take the exam to get certified as the training company was great for the materials but crap at support. Anyway, I found your website purchased a number of products and found a new life. I am pleased to also have found friends that are or have been on the same journey. I still doubt myself and still feel I should take that walk but as each day pushes me to help the walk never happens. David & Bonfire, I feel blessed to know that across the world other people are feeling the same but knowing I can talk to you both like this has helped me. The sense of relief just typing this to you makes me feel I have two new friends and sets emotions free that I have kept bottled up for so long.
Thank you guys and please saty in touch I am here to help or just to listen if you would do the same for me.


Anonymous said...

I have learned, but need reminders every day that there are no rules, no limits, no nonsense - other than what I lay before me. Yes, life is about not knowing the next turn of events AND about rising above the experiences to gain full view of the growing spirit and loving soul....that just wants celebration...Here's to you. Here's to me. Here's to us!

Anonymous said...

Thank you David. So MUCH
Auwsom reflect on our knowlegment.
Best regards

David Wood said...

BONNIE: I'm very moved by your post. Very raw. You remind me I have company as I feel, as do you. Sending love.


David Wood said...

DAVIDS: I feel you.
I salute your courage.
Seems to me your family might be better off with your current path instead of the eternal sleep path ;-)
Love, David

Anonymous said...

I've been fighting a similar battle - to relinquish control, ESPECIALLY during those horrible midnight moments of panic - and to trust in a higher feeling and being and sense of being taken care of. When my coach first told me to try NOT to react to the fear, but just to try and release it and to know deep down that it's ok, "you will ultimately be taken care of, completely." I had to laugh. After a lifetime of thinking "I've only got myself to rely on, so I had better figure out how to FIX this crap!" it was very hard to accept that larger source of love and assistance. But since I decided to try, I've run into more and more confirmations that it works. Two of my favorite quotes:

"Surrender brings Grace" and "The Universe is Conspiring for Your Side" often help... I have little post-it reminders at my desk!

The good news is, you are alive and you are aware - and yes, that does mean there are some sucky things to go through, but this level of awareness also generates some incredible lessons to learn, and later, to enjoy. You're right there!!!!

Stephanie in Chicago